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The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III) will meet in March for its ninth session. The size of the resources available for distribution and their allocation by the Conference are surveyed in the following article as are the possibilities of conflict to which they...
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Continuing the discussions under way since 1973, the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III) held the first half of its ninth session from March 3 to April 4 in New York. What has been achieved at this meeting?
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Already in 1972 legislation for the exploration and subsequent exploitation of the resources of the deep ocean bed was first introduced in the USA. However, action was postponed each year in order to give the UN Law of the Sea Conference an opportunity to come forth with an acceptable treaty...
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The need for management of the marine ecosystem using a broad perspective has been recommended under a variety of names. This paper uses the term Ecosystem Management, which is seen as a convergence between the ecological idea of an organisational hierarchy and the idea of strategic planning...
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Ecosystem Management requires models that can link the ecosystem level to the operation level. This link can be created by an ecosystem production model. Because the function of the individual fish in the marine ecosystem, seen in trophic context, is closely related to its size, the model groups...
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The term 'Fishing Down Marine FoodWebs' describes the gradual transition in landing from marine ecosystems towards organisms lower in the food web. To address this issue and the need to manage the marine ecosystem in a broader perspective, Ecosystem Management is recommended. Ecosystem...
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Seit 2017 wird im Rahmen der Vereinten Nationen über die Erhaltung und nachhaltige Nutzung der biologischen Vielfalt der Meere außerhalb der nationalen Hoheitsbereiche verhandelt. Die Verschiebung der vierten und letzten Verhandlungsrunde aufgrund von COVID-19 bietet Gelegenheit, einen Blick...
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In Auseinandersetzung mit natürlichen, geographischen und klimatischen Bedingungen haben sich im Verlauf langer historischer Prozesse typische und arbeitsteilig aufeinander bezogene Funktionen von maritimen Wirtschaftsstrukturen, Küstenregionen und Hafenstädten herausgebildet. Ein zentrales...
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Angesichts stark wachsender Nachfrage nach Rohstoffen, insbesondere vonseiten der aufstrebenden Schwellenländer und entsprechend steigender Rohstoffpreise, richtet sich der Blick zunehmend auf die Tiefsee als enorme noch weitgehend unerschlossene Quelle reichhaltiger Rohstoffvorkommen. Der...
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