Showing 1 - 10 of 13
[...]Because of these concerns, this article examines the value ofthe Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey in predicting bothlending and output.1 We find that the changes in commercialcredit standards reported by loan officers are indeed linked toaggregate loan growth. Commercial lending by U.S....
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[...]In this paper, we argue that a major obstacle tohigher student achievement is a lack of good informationcomparing achievement levels to labor marketrequirements—the kind of information that can comethrough academic standards and assessments. Without this information, parents are unable to...
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This article does not address specific capital proposalsnor does it suggest specific new requirements. Theframework it provides, however, has implications for possiblefuture refinements in the supervisory approach to capitalrequirements.[...]
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Angesichts unserer hochgradig bedrohten Welt – besser Menschheit – sind die nachfol-genden Ausführungen der Versuch, aus Sicht der wissenschaftlichen Zukunftsforschung und Zukunftsgestaltung die existenziellen Fragen zu beantworten: Wie bleibt die Menschheit im 21. Jahrhundert...
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Stable component models are an essential prerequisite for developingcustomer-individual business applications. Thereby the information for theidentification and specification of their components is gained from domainmodels. Reference models constitute a potential source for building...
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This paper examines the power of different contractual mechanisms to influence an originator’s choice of costly effort to screen borrowers when the originator plans to securitise its loans. The analysis focuses on three potential mechanisms: the originator holds a “vertical slice”, or...
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So genannte Risikomanagement-Informationssysteme (RMIS) unterstützen Unternehmendarin, ihr Risiko-Management unternehmensweit durchzuführen. Im vorliegenden Beitraganalysieren wir mit Hilfe der Scoring-Methode die inhaltlichen Anforderungen an ein RMISund zeigen, wie das zu einer begründeten...
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Although the idea of electronically networked individuals forming a community is one of the oldest visions in computer science, it has never been a research issue a community of computer scientists was dedicated to. Neither had group work been before it evolved as a research issue in the...
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Hauptziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, mobilitätsrelevante Ansprüche von (touristisch) Reisenden aufzudecken und zu prüfen, inwieweit diese mit den Angeboten und Leistungen Einschätzung dieser durch die Transportunternehmen in Einklang stehen oder ob hier Diskrepanzen festzustellen...
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