Showing 1 - 10 of 73
Strong lending relationships between banks and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a key role in the bank-based financial system of Germany. So far, they have been mainly described by the notion of a housebank and transactional features of long-term bank-customer relationships. In...
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The paper investigates the impact of corporate governance on the performance of 361 German corporations over the time period 1991 to 1996. We find ownership concentration to affect profitability significantly negatively. Representation of owners on the board of executive directors does not make...
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Corporate governance is a recent concept that encompasses the costs caused by managerial misbehavior. Corporate governance is concerned with how organizations in general, and corporations in particular, produce value and how that value is distributed among the members of the corporation, its...
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The concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems has been used as a framework to explain entrepreneurial activities within regions and industrial sectors. Despite the usefulness of this approach, the concept is under-theorized, especially with regard to the evolution of entrepreneurial ecosystems. The...
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Seit 1994 erlebt der deutsche Bankenmarkt eine Welle von Direktbankgründungen. Die Direktbankinnovation ist durch Entwicklungen auf der Angebots- und Nachfrageseite erklärbar. Einerseits ist sie in einer Periode zunehmenden Kostenwettbewerbs durch Weiterentwicklung der...
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We examine differences in the efficiency of UK universities in providing research and teaching. It appears that (i) universities are more efficient in providing teaching than research, (ii) the variation of efficiency is larger in research than in teaching, and (iii) the degree of (in)efficiency...
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Some authors suggest that firing a coach reflects a principal-agent problem between team managers and coaches. Another explanation emphasizes the matching problem between teams and coaches. This paper provides empirical evidence for the latter: Using German soccer league data, we analyze the...
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Dem von Presse, Wirtschaft und Politik vorgeworfenen Defizit bundesdeutscher Hochschulen soll mit einem verstärkten Qualitätswettbewerb um den Kunden Studenten abgeholfen werden. Student(inn)en müßten dann allerdings bei der Wahl ihrer Hochschule Kriterien in Betracht ziehen, die durch...
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Nach dem Vorbild börsennotierter britischer Vereine wird es auch deutschen Profifußballvereinen in absehbarer Zukunft möglich sein, sich in Aktiengesellschaften umzuwandeln. Der anschließende Börsengang soll dann den nach den jüngsten Entwicklungen im Profifußballbereich gestiegenen...
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