Showing 1 - 10 of 105
Using symmetric data sets of 92 weekly return observations before and after the introduction of the euro, the paper analyzes the impact of the new currency on the return structure of equity markets in the European Monetary Union. Variance decompositions, cluster analyses, and principle component...
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Using symmetric data sets of 92 weekly return observations before and after the introduction of the euro, the paper analyzes the impact of the new currency on the return structure of equity markets in the European Monetary Union. Variance decompositions, cluster analyses, and principle component...
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Using a principal component analysis we investigate the dynamic relations within the term structure of volatilities implied in options on the Swiss Market Index (SMI). It is shown that approximately 99% of the over-all variation of the term structure can be explained by three independent state...
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Securitized covered call writing strategies play an important role in the Swiss market. The authors analyze the initial pricing of 275 products by comparing them to equivalent strategies in the underlying markets and at EUREX. On average, price distortions in favor of the issuing institutions...
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Using symmetric data sets of 92 weekly return observations before and after the introduction of the euro, the paper analyzes the impact of the new currency on the return structure of equity markets in the European Monetary Union. Variance decompositions, cluster analyses, and principle component...
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This paper provides a discussion about some recent issues related to the transfer of credit risk (CRT) from the perspective of global liquidity. The CRT market is enormously growing and exhibits major structural shifts in terms of buyers and sellers of protection. I try to address these issues...
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Ziel des Projekts und der damit verbundenen Forschungsaktivität war es, das in akademischerHinsicht kaum erforschte Gebiet der Relevanz und Auswirkungen der Finanzberatung imPrivatkundengeschäft zu untersuchen. Mit einer zu diesem Zweck aufgebauten Datenbank,die Kunden- und Beratungsdaten von...
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Die Finanzkrise hat sich zur Wirtschaftskrise entwickelt. Viele Branchen sind betroffen und auch diedrei Säulen der Schweizer Altersvorsorge werden nicht verschont. Die Reserven der AHV sind um ca.2.5 Milliarden Schweizer Franken geschrumpft, die Anlagerendite der Pensionskassen war seit...
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