Showing 1 - 10 of 81
U.S. common stocks are simultaneously traded on multiple trading centers. We study quotes and trades with millisecond timestamps during the flash crash of May 6, 2010 and document new findings about order dynamics when the fragmented market is under stress. First, relative to May 5, 2010, the...
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We describe the fundamental issues that long-horizon event studies face in choosing the proper research methodology, and summarize findings from existing simulation studies about the performance of commonly used methods. We document in detail how to implement a simulation study and report...
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Corporate finance for the entrepreneurial firm is fundamentally different from that of the traditional firm. The standard problems and solutions to both investment and financing are reformulated in this paper. The formulation is intended to capture two distinguishing features of entrepreneurial...
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This paper establishes a causal link between the dollar exchange rate and international trade flows, employing a new instrument for the U.S. Dollar that is based on domestic U.S. housing activity (Ma and Zhang (2019)). In line with the dominant currency paradigm (Gopinath et al. (2020)), import...
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We propose a method to overcome a bias in the estimate of the probability of informed trading (PIN). This bias arises when the numerical maximization procedure generates corner solutions. We analyze the PIN estimates for about 80,000 stock-quarter pairs between 1993 and 2004, and observe a...
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This paper shows that currency momentum, which cannot be explained by carry and dollar factors, summarizes the autocorrelation of these factors. Carry and dollar factors are strongly autocorrelated and only earn significantly positive excess returns following positive factor returns. Currency...
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When households consume both nondurable goods and housing services, external habit preference over nondurable consumption generates procyclical demand for housing. Marginal utility falls when housing demand rises and innovations to housing demand arise as a risk factor. Motivated by theory, we...
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This paper establishes a causal link between the dollar exchange rate and international trade flows, employing a new instrument for the U.S. Dollar that is based on domestic U.S. housing activity (Ma and Zhang (2019)). In line with the dominant currency paradigm (Gopinath et al. (2020)), import...
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