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variables in the model, rather than just on future paths as it is usually done in the conditional forecasting literature. The … forecasting densities of a BVAR and a DSGE model on information about the marginal densities of future oil prices. The results …-inflation over the considered forecasting horizon. Finally, a real-time forecasting exercise yields that introducing market …
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subjective choices in the setting of the prior. Moreover, it performs very well both in terms of out-of-sample forecasting …
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distribution. As an empirical illustration, we use euro area data and compare the forecasting performance of the New Area …
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story-telling and policy analysis were in the forefront of applications since its inception, the forecasting perspective of … models are inferior in ex-ante forecasting a crisis. Surprisingly however, it turned out that not all but those models which … only detect the turning point of the Austrian business cycle early in 2008 but they also succeeded in forecasting the …
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This paper discusses how the forecast accuracy of a Bayesian vector autoregression(BVAR) is affected by introducing the zero lower bound on the federal funds rate. As abenchmark I adopt a common BVAR specification, including 18 variables, estimatedshrinkage, and no nonlinearity. Then I entertain...
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from the weather forecasting literature known as `ensemble modelling'. In this approach, uncertainty about model … provide two examples of this modelling strategy: (i) forecasting inflation with a disaggregate ensemble; and (ii) forecasting …
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methodological contributions, especially with regard to economic forecasting. …
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We propose a prior for VAR models that exploits the panel structure of macroeconomic time series while also providing shrinkage towards zero to address overfitting concerns. The prior is flexible as it detects shared dynamics of individual variables across endogenously determined groups of...
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Recent articles suggest that a Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) with shrinkage is a good forecast device even when the number of variables is large. In this paper we evaluate different variants of the BVAR with respect to their forecast accuracy for euro area real GDP growth and HICP...
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Im Zentrum dieser Dissertation steht das Beschreiben und Erklären von Konjunkturdynamiken. Motiviert durch den außerordentlich starken wirtschaftlichen Einbruch in 2008/2009 betont die Arbeit dabei die Wichtigkeit der Nutzung von nichtlinearen Modellansätzen. Die Dissertation kann als Beitrag...
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