Showing 1 - 10 of 38
In order to reach the state of economic sustainability, the problem of technology transition emphasizes the possibility of substituting for the exhaustible resource with an everlasting source of energy input. This paper aims at providing an analysis of this problem in an overlapping-generation...
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Consider a small developing economy with a manufacturing sector opened to international trade, and an agricultural sector having limited, not to say any, access to world markets. We modify the Grossman and Helpman's influence-driven model of trade policy formation to allow for an endogenously...
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In a simple formal model of two-country, two-good with an elementary Conflict Technology, we use a rudimentary game theoretics to study the matter of war and peace, where under peace, cooperative exchange takes place, and where, in case of war, the winner takes all through appropriation of the...
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This paper examines a model of optimal growth where the agregation of two separate well behaved and concave production technologies exhibits a basic non-convexity. Multiple equilibria prevail in an intermediate range of interest rate. However, we show that the optimal paths monotonically...
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Models use for natural resources prices usually preclude the possibility of large changes (jumps) resulting from discrete, unexpected events. To test for the presence of jumps and ARCH effects, we propose to use bounds and bootstrap test techniques, thus solving the unidentified nuisance...
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This paper tests whether adopting the international norm ISO 14001 significantly impacts environmental performance in Quebec's pulp and paper industry. Using monthly data collected from 37 plants between 1997 and 2003, we show that: i) ISO certification does not lead to a reduction in total...
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Canada has ratified the Kyoto Protocol while the United States, its main trading partner, have not. A major concern of Canadian industrial producers is the negative impact on competitiveness of progorams designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). To alleviate this concern, the Government...
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We use the Monte-Carlo (MC) test technique to find valid p-values when testing for discontinuities in jump-diffusion models. While the distribution of the LR statistic for this test is typically non-standard, we show that the MC p-value is finite sample exact if no other (identified) nuisance...
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We develop a model in which two firms from different countries compete on each other domestic market. Each firms is jointly owned by the residents and the government of its country. The extent of the government's stake in the public enterprise is endogenous and it determines the weight given the...
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