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We show that the incompatibility between the Pareto principle and the notion of non-discrimination as presented in Xu (2000) continues to hold when the individuals have exact preferences and the social preference relation is allowed to be a reflexive and transitive fuzzy binary relation. Our...
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A method for consensus measuring in a group decision problem is presented for the multiple criteria case. The decision process is supposed to be carried out according to Saaty's Analytic Hierarchy Process, and hence using pairwise comparison among the alternatives. Using a suitable distance...
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In outranking methods for Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), pair-wise comparisons of alternatives are often summarized through a fuzzy preference relation. In this paper, the binary preference relation is extended to pairs of subsets of alternatives in order to define on this basis a...
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Several models of choice under uncertainty imply systematic violations of transitivity of preference. Our experiments … patterns. We can retain the hypothesis that transitivity best describes the data of the vast majority of participants. …
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provides an analytical framework for making real income comparisons across countries and over time that satisfy transitivity …
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Transitivity is perhaps the most fundamental choice axiom and, therefore, almost all economic models assume that … preferences are transitive. The empirical literature has regularly documented violations of transitivity, but these violations … deterministic part of individuals' preferences. However, what if transitivity violations reflect individuals' genuinely …
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Recently proposed models of risky choice imply systematic violations of transitivity of preference. Five studies … repeated intransitive patterns. We can retain the hypothesis that transitivity best describes the data of the vast majority of …
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conditions under which it is possible to detect the presence of a taste for transitivity in the presence of assortative matching …
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Preferences may arise from regret, i.e., from comparisons with alternatives forgone by the decision maker. We ask whether regret-based behavior is consistent with non-expected utility theories of transitive choice and show that the answer is no. If choices are governed by ex ante regret and...
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by the collection. The method of characterization relies upon transitivity of menu preferences, but completeness can be …
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