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In this paper we estimate a model of household labor supply based on the collective approach developed by Chiappori (JPE, 1992). This approach assumes that the intra-household decision process leads to Pareto efficient outcomes. Our model extends this theory by allowing the marriage market, and...
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Few studies have examined the dynamics of participation in welfare in Québec and elsewhere in Canada. This paper sheds some light on that important topic, which is crucial for the understanding of the features and of the effects of welfare programmes, and for the analysis of possible reforms....
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This paper provides a theoretical framework for analyzing the impact of the marriage market and divorce legislation on household labor supply. In our approach, the sex ratio on the marriage market and the rules governing divorce are examples of "distribution factors". The latter are defined as...
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This paper investigates the effect of working in the underground sector on the level of individual underground expenditures. We show that it can be decomposed into a network effect, a non-separability effect and an income effect. Our empirical analysis uses micro data from a randomized survey...
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Dans ce travail, nous cherchons à déterminer l'impact des mesures actives d'insertion sur les transitions des jeunes prestataires masculins de l'aide de dernier recours sur le marché du travail. La richesse des données à notre disposition nous permet de recréer de façon très détaillée...
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In this paper we present a simple model of labour supply that is cast within the framework of an extended family. The model emphasizes a ricardian division of labour whereby the specialization is solely driven by marginal productivity and value of time differentials. The empirical implications...
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This survey covers extensively the theoretical and the empirical work that was done on the incentive effects related to the existence of workers' compensation (WC) in the North American context. It first analyzes the economic rationale for compulsory WC. Then it studies the impact of WC on...
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L'objectif principal de cet article est d'analyser les facteurs qui influencent la dynamique des séjours à l'aide sociale des ménages. On distingue quatre ensembles de variables: les variables qui affectent les conditions de travail ainsi que les préférences des ménages; les variables...
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This paper examines the intergenerational transmission of participation in Québec's social assistance program. The analysis takes into account two sources of intergenerational transmission: one that is due to a causal link between parents' and children's participation and one that is due to a...
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This paper provides a test of efficiency of consumption decisions in households with many decision-makers. It also presents a method of determining the number of these decision-makers. Information on some distribution factors in needed to implement this approach.
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