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All enterprises in the DJ sector Titans Insurance Index operate as groups of companies, and many other insurance groups exist, including legal entities domiciled in different jurisdictions...
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The importance of supervisory colleges has been underscored by the various international fora. The IAIS has responded in a timely manner with a guidance paper and is actively following-up to improve further the functioning of supervisory colleges...
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An Example of the Steps of Market Development, Assessments Completed, After 2003 the Bank developed an alternative template, Observance of ICPs...
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Lloyd's participation in markets takes many different forms. Regulatory treatment encountered varies considerably. Compliance is paramount. Opinions on reasonableness of regimes are not fixed and can evolve over time...
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BAckground/Structure of IAIS, The International Solvency Requirements (ISR) Framework, Standards and Guidance, Future Standards and Guidance, Future Possibilities - Interactive session...
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Solvency 2 is still an economic, principle based and risk based approach - but without group supoort no diversification effects with gaping hole on integrity of solvency...
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Economic approach (diversification benefits) in line with Solvency II conceptual framework. Same level of protection to policy holders with a given level of capital across the group. Mechanism enhancing capital mobility within a group. Alignment with the way groups are effectively managed...
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What we like about Solvency II, Solvency II design issues, Developments in the US, Lessons learned from the current gloabl crisis...
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Is a world-wide convergence of regulatory regimes desirable/necessary? 1. Yes, to achieve a level playing field. 2. Yes to reduce systemic risk, 3. I am indifferent...
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Solvency II, Lessons learned from the financial crisis, De Larosière recommendations, Conclusion...
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