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This paper investigates the relationship between unrecorded economic activity associated with the production of illicit coca and formally recorded economic activity in Peru. It does so by attempting to construct new regional level estimates for coca production and by implementing recently...
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The paper proposes a structural approach to VAR analysis in panels, which takes into account responses to both idiosyncratic and common structural shocks, while permitting full cross member heterogeneity of the response dynamics. In the context of this structural approach, estimation of the...
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Numerous policy studies have argued that conditions have prevailed in China since the open door economic reforms of the late 1970s that have encouraged rapid growth at the expense of regional income inequality across the provinces of China. In this paper we use recently developed nonstationary...
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We examine properties of residual-based tests for the null of no cointegration for dynamic panels in which both the short-run dynamics and the long-run slope coefficients are permitted to be heterogeneous across individual members of the panel. The tests also allow for individual heterogeneous...
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Recent advances in the growth literature have proposed that difficult to quantify concepts such as social capital may play an important role in explaining the degree of persistent income disparity that is observed among countries. Other recently explored possibilities include institutional...
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We investigate the long run consequences of infrastructure provision on per capita income in a panel of countries over the period 1950-1992. Simple panel based tests are developed which enable us to isolate the sign and direction of the long run effect of infrastructure on income in a manner...
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This study develops new tests for unit roots and cointegration rank in heterogeneous time series panels using methods that are robust to the presence of both incidental trends and cross sectional dependency of unknown form. Furthermore, the procedures do not require a choice of lag truncation or...
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This study develops new rank tests for panels that include panel unit root tests as a special case. The tests are unusual in that they can accommodate very general forms of both serial and cross-sectional dependence, including cross-unit cointegration, without the need to specify the form of...
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We tabulate the citation counts generated by the research of the economics department faculty at four liberal arts colleges that are frequently ranked among the best nationally, and compare them to a sampling of four economics departments located in research universities.
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