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CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR LES BIOCARBURANTS EN AFRIQUE : Les biocarburants, facteur d’insécurité ou moteur de développement (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 10-12 Novembre 2009)
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A key role for USAID and its partners is to identify how their resources can best contribute to increasing the capacity of the private and public sectors in Mali to scale up their investments, and increase the impact of those investments, in relation to the food security dimensions of...
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This paper aims to identify the geographic extent of major staple food market sheds in West Africa as well as the major trade corridors that link surplus producing areas with the deficit markets they serve. The method employed combines data on the spatial distribution of rural and urban...
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This chapter focuses on how changes in the rules regarding who could compete in rice milling in the ON combined with technological change in rice production and new macro-economic policies (particularly the CFA franc devaluation) to lead to a transformation of rice production and marketing in...
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Evaluating the impact on market performance of investments in agricultural market information systems (MIS) face several methodological challenges. These fall into two broad categories: (a) defining the dimensions of market performance to measure (which is a function of whom the MIS is designed...
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Mali has a high incidence of malnutrition. The fourth Demographic and Health survey reports that in 2006 the incidence of wasting, stunting and underweight children under 5 years of age was 13.8%, 37.9% and 24.5% respectively in rural areas, and 12%, 24% and 25% respectively in urban areas....
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Presidence De La Republique; Republique Du Mali Un Peuple Un But Une Foi; Commissariat A La Securite Alimentaire; Comite Technique De Coordination Des Politiques De Securite Alimentaire; Secretariat Technique
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The situation analysis and perspectives on food security West Africa shows a widening gap between the needs of consumption and nutrition and food availability at Global countries, households and individuals. Low gains productivity in food production and import capacity are the major constraints...
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Présidence de la République Commissariat à la Sécurité Alimentaire (CSA); USAID; APCAM/MSU/USAID Projet de Mobilisation des Initiatives en matière de Sécurité Alimentaire au Mali (PROMISAM); APCAM/MSU/USAID Projet de Mobilisation des Initiatives en matière de Sécurité Alimentaire au...
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