Showing 1 - 10 of 17
The paper contains analyses of regional/county profile and peculiarities with respect to some defining components of the population’s living standard. It approaches issues relating to: a) demographic changes with emphasis on population diminution, natural growth and migration movement in...
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Preventing and alleviating child poverty constitute main concerns for the strategies and policies in the field of social protection and social inclusion in the European Union, and significantly reduce child poverty, as one of the core objectives of these strategies. Setting up policies of child...
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The paper is concerned with poverty in Romania during a period of economic growth (2000-2008). The poverty incidence and profile before financial and economic crisis and the evolution of poverty in the context of economic growth and of a strong increase of households income have been studied,...
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The paper presents the main results of a study on income distribution during 1995-2008 years, which central concern is the measurement of income inequality and polarization in Romania. A set of indices (S80/S20, Gini, Atkinson and Theil, for inequality; Foster-Wolfson, Milanovic, Wang-Tsui,...
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This article presents the results of a study devoted to the measurement of the income polarization in Romania. In the first part the key methodological issues of measuring polarization are addressed, with emphasis on the polarization indices. To measure the polarization of the household incomes...
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The redistribution, i.e. social transfers (benefits), taxes and social contributions, has an important contribution in reducing income inequality and polarization, the tax-benefit system being the main instrument of the income policy. The paper presents the results of an evaluation of the impact...
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[fre] Plusieurs enquêtes ont vu le jour ces dernières années dans de nombreux pays de l'Europe de l'Est, avec des questionnements proches de celui du Panel européen. Ces études ont très tôt débouché sur des comparaisons internationales Le présent dossier poursuit le travail ainsi...
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[fre] Pauvretés d'existence, monétaire et subjective. Facteurs de persistance et corrélations sur données de panel. . Définir, comme souvent, la pauvreté à partir des seules ressources monétaires instantanées ne fournit qu'un éclairage partiel de ce phénomène complexe : il n'est pas...
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In an extended variant of the life-cycle hypothesis, saving behaviour is shown to depend crucially on the interaction between two preference parameters: γ, which represents risk attitudes (aversion, prudence...), and δ, the rate of time depreciation. Hence, the predictions of four specific...
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