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Financial risk model evaluation or backtesting is a key part of the internal model’sapproach to market risk management as laid out by the Basle Committee on BankingSupervision (2004). However there are a number of backtests that may be applied andthere is little guidance as to the most...
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Volatility modelling is a key issue for the finance industry from an academic and practitioner perspective. This is understandable given the importance that volatility plays in risk management and the development of accurate risk measures in a univariate or multivariate framework. To illustrate,...
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Although there have been substantial developments in financial reporting over recent years, the reporting of risk in statutory reports is still very much evolving. This comes as no surprise, given numerous definitions and subsequent measures of risk. In the financial services sector, the...
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The role of economic capital has grown significantly in recent years. Although not a regulatory requirement, an increasing number of financial institutions use economic capital for such purposes as measuring and managing the performance of people, products, risk exposures, and to manage and...
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Purpose: Managing stock market risk and making an optimal investment decision in a stock market requires study- ing the dynamics of this market and analyzing the fluctuations of its benchmark index in order to avoid heavy damage in the event of crises. This paper aims to study and analyze the...
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Crude oil draws attention in recent research as its demand may indicate world economic growth trend in the post-COVID-19 era. In this paper, we study the dynamic lead-lag relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and crude oil future prices. We perform rolling-sample tests to evidence whether...
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Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist die systematische Risikobestimmung nach IFRS unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des IAS 17. Da komplexe Leasingtransaktionen ebenfalls andere bilanzielle Fragestellungen aufwerfen, werden Bilanzierungsnormen im Rahmen von drei Exkursen dargestellt,...
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Contingent Claim Pricing with Applications to Financial Risk Management By Hua Chen 2008 Committee Chair: Samuel H. Cox and Shaun Wang Major Academic Unit: Department of Risk Management and Insurance This is a multi-essay dissertation designed to explore the contingent claim pricing theory with...
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An important goal of financial risk regulation is promoting coordination. Law's coordinating function minimizes costly conflict and encourages greater uniformity among market participants. Likewise, privately developed market standards, such as standard-form contracts and rules incorporated into...
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We investigate default probabilities and default correlations of Merton-type credit portfolio models in stress scenarios where a common risk factor is truncated. The analysis is performed in the class of elliptical distributions, a family of light-tailed to heavy-tailed distributions...
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