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Nous allons définir et présenter la notion de capitalisme cognitif (section 1), avant de rendre compte de ses origines (section 2). Puis nous en soulignerons certains traits spécifiques du point de vue de la division du travail (section 3) et en ce qui concerne la question de la nouvelle...
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The current transformation of capitalism is characterised by a full-fledged comeback and proliferation of forms of rent parallel to a complete change in the relationship between wages, rent and profit. To demonstrate our hypothesis, this article is divided in two sections: in the first section...
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La conjoncture historique qui a vu naître le capitalisme cognitif trouve son origine dans une transformation radicale du rapport capital/travail. À la suite de cette transformation, l'ensemble des normes fordistes-industrielles qui ont structuré l'organisation sociale de la production, la...
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The aim of this presentation is to introduce some aspects of the research programme on Cognitive Capitalism. The main point that characterises this research program resides in the fact that it assume as its main pillar the social crisis of Fordism. Such a crisis manifests itself as a break with...
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Since the crisis of Fordism, capitalism has been characterised by the ever more central role ofknowledge and the rise of the cognitive dimensions of labour. This is not to say that the centralityof knowledge to capitalism is new per se. Rather, the question we must ask is to what extent we...
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L'attuale mutazione del capitalismo è segnata da un ritorno in forza della rendita che va di pari passo con uno sgretolamento della distinzione tradizionale tra rendita e profitto. Per dimostrare questa tesi, l'articolo è diviso in due parti. Nella prima ritorneremo sulla definizione delle...
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In the transition toward a cognitive capitalism, the transformations of the social organisation of production are strictly connected to those of income distribution. This evolution is deeply characterised by the re-emerging of the rent under different forms. The aim of this article is to provide...
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L'hypothèse de capitalisme cognitif et le réexamen de la notion de travail productif ouvrent sur une réforme radicale du mode de répartition des richesses. Le revenu social garanti (RSG) en est la clé de voûte et fait, sans doute pour cette raison, l'objet de vives critiques, en...
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Nel passaggio dal capitalismo industriale al capitalismo cognit ivo, il rapporto capitale/ lavoro é segnato da una trasformazione radicale. Essa riguarda in maniera indissociabile il modo di produrre, la composizione di classe sulla quale poggia la valorizzazione del capitale ed infine le forme...
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Cet article propose une approche marxiste de la thèse du capitalisme cognitif et repose sur une grille de lecture où les transformations de la connaissance sont appréhendées à partir du rôle moteur du rapport capital-travail. La première partie est consacrée à présenter la méthode...
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