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In this note we establish the existence of the first two moments of the asymptotic trace statistic, which appears as weak limit of the likelihood ratio statistic for testing the cointe- gration rank in a vector autoregressive model and whose moments may be used to develop panel cointegration...
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There are many different approaches to the process of stress testing and two of them will be investigated in this paper. The first one is a stress test performed on aggregated data i.e. the banking system as a whole. The variable of interest in both exercises is the Loan Loss Provision ratio...
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This paper proposes Lagrange multiplier (LM) based tests for the null hypothesis of no cointegration in panel data. The tests are general enough to allow for heteroskedastic and serially correlated errors, individual specific time trends, and a single structural break in both the intercept and...
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In this paper we re-visit a recent theoretical idea introduced by Phillips and Lee (2015). They examine an empirically relevant situation when multiple time series under consideration exhibit different degrees of non-stationarity. By bridging the asymptotic theory of the local to unity and...
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We test for price discontinuities, or jumps, in a panel of high-frequency intraday returns for forty large-cap stocks and an equiweighted index from these same stocks. Jumps are naturally classified into two types: common and idiosyncratic. Common jumps affect all stocks, albeit to varying...
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We test for price discontinuities, or jumps, in a panel of high-frequency intraday returns for forty large-cap stocks and an equiweighted index from these same stocks. Jumps are naturally classified into two types: common and idiosyncratic. Common jumps affect all stocks, albeit to varying...
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A test for the rank of a vector error correction model (VECM) or panel VECM based on the well-known trace test is proposed. The proposed test employs instrumental variables (IV's) generated by a class of nonlinear functions of the estimated stochastic trends of the VECM under the null. The test...
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The effectiveness of the important role for money in the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) is usually assessed by looking at time series estimates of the eurozone money demand equation. This implicitly calls for a choice of aggregation method to construct data series long enough...
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In this paper, we propose an estimation and testing framework for parameter instability in cointe- grated panel regressions with common and idiosyncratic trends. We develop tests for structural change for the slope parameters under the null hypothesis of no structural break against the...
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This paper presents a new multivariate test for the detection of unit roots. Use is made of the possible correlations between the disturbances of different series, and constrained and unconstrained SURE estimators are employed. The corresponding asymptotic distributions are obtained and a table...
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