Showing 91 - 100 of 144
The term “Institutional Economics” has been applied to some of capitalism’s strongest critics as well as its most ardent apologists. This paradox in terms has bred contradictory literature in development economics, some declaring the death of this line of thought while others herald its...
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This paper argues that despite a growing body of scholarly literature on Sir James Steuart, his theory of history and influence on Marxian political economy has been largely ignored. The approach of this paper is motivated, in part, by Marx’s sympathetic treatment of Steuart found in the...
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A number of Marxist scholars have tied aspects of Marx’s thought to certain Aristotelian categories, yet remarkably little is said of Marx’s dialectical materialism in this literature. Here we attempt to lay a foundation for such an effort, paying particular attention to the way in which...
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This paper analyzes Raúl Prebisch’s less familiar contributions to economic theory, related to the business cycle, and heavily informed by the Argentinean experience. His views of the cycle emphasize the common nature of the cycle in the center and the periphery as one unified phenomenon....
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Based on empirical data, a two-equation game-type corruption reaction function model was developed. A “data to model” approach was used rather than the usual a priori approach. The general hypothesis tested was the “monkey see, monkey do” principle. The latest data on corruption among...
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Carlin and Soskice (2005) advocate a 3-equation model of stabilization policy. One equation is a monetary reaction rule MR derived by assuming that governments have performance objectives, but are constrained by a Phillips curve PC. Central banks attempt to implement these objectives by setting...
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This paper presents a classical model of economic growth which incorporates class conflict and induced technological change to show how demographic changes can affect future income distribution and production relations in industrialized countries. Specifically, I use an extended real wage...
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This paper analyzes to what extent John Maynard Keynes was successful in showing that the economic system tends to fluctuate around a position of equilibrium below full employment in the long run. It is argued that a successful extension of Keynes’s principle of effective demand to the long...
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A simple micro model of a firm’s investment decision made under the uncertainty of the success of a bribe of a government official is developed. The probability of success of the bribe is a function of the amount paid to the official to “get things done.” The operational model runs the...
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This paper presents a model of a developing economy with three sectors---a modern sector producing manufactures and services, a traditional sector producing agricultural goods, and a third sector providing energy. Modern and energy sector are assumed to be demand--constrained; the agricultural...
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