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applying social equilibrium. In an example of a duopoly water market, we argue that the lack of backward induction logic … social equilibrium in duopoly water markets with an upstream-downstream river structure and derive it in the example of a … duopoly market. …
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This article proposes a two-stage oligopoly model for the crude oil market. In a game of several Stackelberg leaders …
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competition known as the Cournot oligopoly model. Firms and their production are differentiated, which brings the theoretical … model closer to real market conditions. The main objective was to expand the Cournot duopoly and add another firm, resulting … operators in Slovakia was selected as a real market case with accessible data on an oligopoly with three companies and partial …
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Within a simple model of homogeneous oligopoly, we show that the traditional ranking between Bertrand and Cournot …
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This paper analyzes the determination of the optimal tariff under the assumption of Consistent Conjectural Variations (CCV). A general characterization of the CCV equilibrium is given. We show that (i) there are, in general, a multiplicity of such equilibria, and (ii) under certain restrictions,...
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In this paper we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a Cournot equilibrium when demand is rho-linear and firms are identical and produce under constant returns to scale. We focus on inelastic and convex demand which yields non concave profit functions.We show that...
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We show that Miller and Pazgal.s (2001) model of strategic delegation, in which managerial incentives are based upon relative performance, is affected by a non-existence problem which has impact on the price equilibrium. The undercutting incentives generating this result are indeed similar to...
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Two insurance companies I 1 ,I 2 with reserves R 1 (t),R 2 (t) compete for customers, such that in a suitable differential game the smaller company I 2 with R 2 (0)<R 1 (0) aims at minimizing R 1 (t)−R 2 (t) by using the premium p 2 as control and the larger I 1 at maximizing by using p 1. Deductibles K 1 ,K 2 are fixed but may be different. If K 1 >K 2 and I 2 is the leader choosing its premium first, conditions for Stackelberg equilibrium are established. For gamma-distributed...</r>
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We analyze whether different learning abilities of firms with respect to general equilibrium effects lead to different levels of unemployment. We consider a general equilibrium model where firms in one sector compete à la Cournot and a real wage rigidity leads to unemployment. If firms consider...
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