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Credit risk, systematic risk, parameter uncertainty. - Kreditrisiko, systematische Risiken, Parameterunsicherheit …
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"In this paper the behaviour of credit default swaps (CDS) are analysed for a sample of firms and support found for the theoretical equivalence of CDS prices and credit spreads. When this is violated, the CDS price can be viewed as an upper bound on the price of credit risk, while the spread...
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Credit risk, systematic risk, parameter uncertainty. - Kreditrisiko, systematische Risiken, Parameterunsicherheit …
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A common feature of financial time series is their strong persistence. Yet, long memory may just be the spurious effect of either structural breaks or slow switching regimes. So far, five testing procedures have been proposed to distinguish between true and spurious long memory. The tests are...
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This study is motivated by the development of credit-related instruments and signals of stock price movements of large banks during the recent financial crisis. What is common to most of the empirical studies in this field is that they concentrate on modeling the conditional mean. However,...
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We examine price discovery in the Credit Default Swap and corporate bond market. By using a Markov switching framework we are able to analyze the dynamic behavior of the information shares during tranquil and crisis periods. The results show that price discovery takes place mostly on the CDS...
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