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This article introduces dynamic models for the spot foreign exchange rate with capturing both the rare events and the time-inhomogeneity in the fluctuating currency market. For the rare events, we use a compound Poisson process with log-normal jump amplitude to describe the jumps. As for the...
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We model the term structure of the forward default intensity and the default density by using L\'evy random fields, which allow us to consider the credit derivatives with an after-default recovery payment. As applications, we study the pricing of a defaultable bond and represent the pricing...
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We model the term structure of the forward default intensity and the default density by using Lévy random fields, which allow us to consider the credit derivatives with an after-default recovery payment. As applications, we study the pricing of a defaultable bond and represent the pricing...
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In this paper, we consider a general Levy risk model with two-sided jumps and a constant dividend barrier. We connect the ruin problem of the ex-dividend risk process with the first passage problem of the Levy process reflected at its running maximum. We prove that if the positive jumps of the...
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In this paper, we introduce tractable dynamic models for financial variables (such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates, commodity prices, etc.) with capturing both jump risk and boundedness of the price fluctuation in a regulated market. For the jump risk, we use a compound Poisson process...
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In this paper, we consider a class of reflected stochastic differential equations (abbr. SDEs) and we are particularly interested in some integral functionals of the solutions to the equations. We explicitly derive the Laplace transforms of those integral functionals, which are subsequently...
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In this article, we consider a regulated market and explore the default events. By using a so-called reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with two-sided barriers to formulate the price dynamics, we derive the expression on the conditional default probability. In the cases of single observation...
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In this paper, we model the exchange rate in a target zone by a so-called reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. A simulation-based maximum likelihood estimation strategy of the parameters involved in the model is proposed and studied. The model fits data on exchange rates in the European...
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We propose a term structure of forward rates driven by a kernel-correlated Levy random field under the HJM framework. The kernel-correlated Levy random field is composed of a kernel-correlated Gaussian random field and a centered Poisson random measure. We shall give a criterion to preclude...
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We propose a tractable model for the exchange rate in a target zone with realignment. The target zone exchange rate dynamics is assumed to obey a bounded regular diffusion with two-sided unattainable barriers. The realignment is modeled as a continuous-time two-state Markov chain. Under the...
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