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Managing unemployment is one of the key issues in social policies. Unemployment insurance schemes are designed to cushion the financial and morale blow of loss of job but also to encourage the unemployed to seek new jobs more proactively due to the continuous reduction of benefit payments. In...
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This research article provides criticism and arguments why the canonical framework for derivatives pricing is incomplete and why the delta-hedging approach is not appropriate. An argument is put forward, based on the efficient market hypothesis, why a proper risk-adjusted discount rate should...
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representation supports collective bargaining coverage and also improves employers' compliance with legal provisions in the field of …
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The paper generalizes and refines the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing of Dalang, Morton and Willinger in the following two respects: (a) the result is extended to a model with portfolio constraints; (b) versions of the no-arbitrage criterion based on the bang-bang principle in control...
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each jump time. Then, the dimensionality of martingale generator, which can be interpreted as the number of sources of … infinite dimensional martingale generator, no equilibrium analysis has been conducted thus far. We assume approximately …
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been derived only for particular cases (Abadie and Imbens, 2006). This article establishes a martingale representation for … matching estimators. This representation allows the use of martingale limit theorems to derive the asymptotic distribution of …
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Let S=(S_t), t=0,1,...,T (T being finite), be an adapted R^d-valued process. Each component process of S might be interpreted as the price process of a certain security. A trading strategy H=(H_t), t= 1,...,T, is a predictable R^d-valued process. A strategy H is called extreme if it represents a...
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Asymptotic expansions for the null distribution of thelogrank statistic and its distribution under local proportionalhazards alternatives are developed in the case of iid observations.The results, which are derived from the work of Gu (1992) andTaniguchi (1992), are easy to interpret, and...
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retaining the multiplicative hazard rate form of the absolutely continuous model. Application of martingale arguments to the … martingale arguments. This estimator reduces to the usual hypergeometric form in the special case of testing equality of several …
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