Showing 1 - 10 of 411
This paper studies the performance of a sample of funds of hedge funds (FoHFs) from January 1994 to August 2009. We apply the false discoveries (FD) technique of Barras, Scaillet and Wermers (2010) to separate the FoHFs into skilled, zero-alpha and unskilled. We measure the alpha of the FoHFs...
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This paper proposes a Stochastic Programming (SP) approach for the calculation of the liquidity-adjusted Value-at-Risk (LVaR). The model presented in this paper offers an alternative to Almgren and Chriss’s mean-variance approach (1999 and 2000). In this research, a two-stage stochastic...
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Evaluating the performance of Alternative Risk Premia products as standalone investments is not sufficient to conclude whether these products add value to institutional investors, whose portfolios are largely composed of well-diversified equity and bond allocations, and usually smaller ones to...
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This study aims at analyzing the ability of managers of Alternative Risk Premia (ARP) portfolios to outperform benchmarks and to deliver alphas. Using a sample of more than 200 ARP indices, we first distinguish performance between allocation strategy and picking ability. Our first results show...
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In this paper, we focus on forward-looking Conditional Value at Risk measures (CVaR). We test two methodologies, namely, the method proposed by Barone-Adesi (2016) and the mixture distribution of Huggenberger, Zhang and Zhou (2018). Both allow the extraction of forward-looking risk measures...
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What is the appropriate level of portfolio allocation towards fund of hedge funds? The well-known core-satellite approach would give a number around 5% or 10%, fund of hedge funds being the satellite allocation. The core allocation should be given to often low-fee, passively managed, classical...
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This article analyses a new data base on Ucits "hedge funds", or alternative Ucits funds. These are EU regulated investment vehicles allowing for a relatively large degree of latitude for fund managers which makes them attractive for hedge fund-like strategies. The asset under management of...
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Hopes were high some years ago that hedge fund replication products would be for hedge fund investments something akin to what index funds have been to equity investments. Hedge fund replication products were to provide a low-cost, liquid exposure to hedge fund returns. Around one year ago,...
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Alternative Risk Premia investment products have attracted substantial interest of institutional investors in the recent decade, as they are supposed to provide risk premia other than traditional equity and bond premia in which investors already have exposure to. This article reviews the...
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This paper is devoted to recovery and residual value risks modeling issues of automotive lease portfolios. First, loss given default distributions are estimated and compared for different samples based on risk drivers. Secondly, residual value risk is approached through a re-sampling technique...
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