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Even as a number of developing countries have been able to reap the export opportunities presented by the rise of global value chains (GVCs), Nepal's export performance remains dismal. This paper examines the challenges and constraints faced by manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises...
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Manufacturing exhibits nonlinear trends in production levels, one being an active state and the other a passive state. We use a Markov model to estimate these two states, which are tied to United States imports of Mexican products. A regression is made in order to estimate whether there is an...
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We test two questions: (i) Is the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) more parsimonious than Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)? and (ii) Is BIC better than AIC for forecasting purposes? By using simulated data, we provide statistical inference of both hypotheses individually and then jointly...
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Korea’s industrial robot sector is now the world’s fifth-largest, aided by systematic and consistentgovernment policy over the past decade. It is still heavily reliant on imports for key parts however,and the industry is fragmented, consisting of many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in...
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This paper takes the spectrum approach to identify possible industrial and enterprise insolvency and goes on to conduct a composite analysis of both the potential industry insolvency spectrum and enterprise insolvency spectrum. Recently, the proportion of industries and enterprises showing signs...
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This report examines the place of China’s automobile industry in the global market and analyzes the recent, rapid increase in Chinese automobile exports. In addition, the implications carried by the rise of Chinese auto exports for the Korean automobile industry are identified and analyzed
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Even as a number of developing countries have been able to reap the export opportunities presented by the rise of global value chains (GVCs), Nepal's export performance remains dismal. This paper examines the challenges and constraints faced by manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises...
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This paper provides a first estimate of the potential greenhouse gas mitigation from the intra-sector reallocation of economic activity by the European manufacturing industry away from carbon-inefficient - or "brown zombie" - firms to more carbon-efficient firms. Using techniques from the...
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Recent shocks to global value chains and geopolitical tensions have reignited the debate on domestic production of strategic goods and technologies. This paper proposes an analytical framework for identifying and prioritising activities and regions for potential reshoring policies combining...
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The EU member states of Central Eastern Europe (EU-CEE) have experienced rapid convergence in the decades following their EU accession, and have built up strong export-oriented manufacturing sectors boosted by foreign direct investment inflows. While this growth model has brought many positives,...
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