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El análisis de rentabilidad de una inversión pública requiere una evaluación ex ante de sus efectos económicos. En el caso concreto de las infraestructuras de transporte, el elemento clave para estimar estos efectos es la cuantificación de los cambios en la demanda de transporte. Este...
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Der Sachverständigenrat für Verbraucherfragen hat erstmals ein breit angelegtes Gutachten zur Lage der Verbraucher:innen in Deutschland vorgelegt. Gert G. Wagner, Mitglied im Sachverständigenrat für Verbraucherfragen, stellt aus seiner persönlichen Sicht ausgewählte Analysen, Ergebnisse...
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This brief paper derives the value of headway, i.e. the time interval between departures, for a scheduled service. It presents a consistent framework in which users have scheduling costs, time costs and planning costs. The model represents both users who arrive at the station to choose just the...
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We seek to better understand the scheduling of activities in time through a dynamic model of commuting with congestion, in which workers care solely about leisure and consumption. Implicit preferences for the timing of the commute form endogenously due to concave preferences and temporal...
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This paper considers the value of travel time variability under scheduling preferences that are de�fined in terms of linearly time-varying utility rates associated with being at the origin and at the destination. The main result is a simple expression for the value of travel time variability...
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It is commonly recognized the relevance of transportation costs for studying recre- ational demand. However, these costs are related with travel and modal choice deci- sions. This paper oers a theoretical explanation of the new generation of the demand for recreational goods at destiny after the...
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We consider dynamic congestion in an urban setting where trip origins are spatially distributed. All travelers must pass through a downtown bottleneck in order to reach their destination in the CBD. Each traveler chooses departure time to maximize general concave scheduling utility. We find...
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This paper derives a measure of travel time variability for travellers equipped with scheduling preferences defined in terms of time-varying utility rates, and who choose departure time optimally. The corresponding value of travel time variability is a constant that depends only on preference...
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A model of the optimal speed limit is developed which explicitly recognizes the role of average speed, speed variance, and the level of enforcement. An unusual result emerges, namely that a higher speed limit may be optimal when reducing the variance in highway speeds reduces accident externalities
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This brief paper derives the value of headway, i.e. the time interval between departures, for a scheduled service. It presents a consistent framework in which users have scheduling costs, time costs and planning costs. The model represents both users who arrive at the station to choose just the...
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