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The global financial and economic crisis has reopened the debate on the role, the efficacy and limits of fiscal policies in sustaining aggregate demand. At the same time, the crisis has worsened the prospects of unsustainability of public debt in some countries. In order to conciliate fiscal...
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Italian Abstract: L'articolo ricostruisce l'approccio di Luigi Spaventa alla politica economica. Spaventa ha contribuito al dibattito teorico e politico in materia di politica economica e come membro del Parlamento e del Governo Italiano. L'autore si concentra in particolare sulle implicazioni...
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Italian Abstract: L'articolo fornisce un ritratto di Paolo Sylos Labini come riformatore, ispirato dallo scopo di cambiare la società attraverso "riforme strutturali" graduali che riducessero le disuguaglianze e allargassero la libertà.Testo del discorso tenuto alla conferenza "Paolo Sylos...
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Italian Abstract: L'articolo si basa sugli atti di una commissione d'inchiesta parlamentare italiana del 1962 sulla concorrenza, per esaminare l'attuale situazione italiana e le prospettive di riforma. L'autore si concentra in particolare sulla testimonianza di Giovanni Demaria. Il testo del...
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The wide gap between tax theory and tax practice may be traced back, among other things, to the focus in tax theory on the level and optimal structure of tax rates, assuming that tax bases are consistently defined, precisely measurable and readily and uniformly assessable. This approach...
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This paper considers the issue of sovereign debts in the Eurozone. The reasons for the reduction of public debt, which are quite strong in the present circumstances of slow growth, are briefly discussed with reference to EMU countries. Then the different possible strategies to reduce the public...
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The article reconstructs Luigi Spaventa's approach to economic policy. Spaventa contributed both to the theoretical and political debate on economic policy and as a member of Italy's Parliament and Government. The author focuses in particular on the implications for today's debate and practice...
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