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, we show that on the domain of solvable hedonic coalition formation games, the Core is characterized by coalitional … games, there exists a solution not equal to the Core that satisfies coalitional unanimity, consistency, competition …We consider hedonic coalition formation games with variable sets of agents and extend the properties competition …
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We are concerned with the problem of core membership testing for hedonic coalition formation games, which is to decide … whether a certain coalition structure belongs to the core of a given game. We show that this problem is co-NP complete when … players' preferences are additive. -- Additivity ; Coalition formation ; Core ; Co-NP completeness ; Hedonic games …
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We show that the core of each strongly size monotonic hedonic game is not empty and is externally stable. This is in … sharp contrast to other sufficient conditions for core non-emptiness which do not even guarantee the existence of a stable … set in such games. -- Core ; Hedonic Games ; Monotonicity ; Stable Sets …
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We show that the core of each strongly size monotonic hedonic game is not empty and is externally stable. This is in … sharp contrast to other sufficient conditions for core non-emptiness which do not even guarantee the existence of a stable …
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In this note we show that no solution to coalition formation games can satisfy a set of axioms that we propose as … reasonable. Our result points out that solutions to the coalition formation cannot be interpreted as predictions of what would be … resting points for a game in the way stable coalition structures are usually interpreted …
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coalition forms without delay in equilibrium, expected payoffs must be in the core of the characteristic function game that …This paper studies an extensive form game of coalition formation with random proposers in games with externalities. It … strong condition, the equilibrium coalition structure is not necessarily efficient. There may be multiple equilibria even in …
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This paper associates a strategic n-person game with a given transferable utility game and studies its Nash equilibria. Strict equilibria in this model characterize those divisions of social surplus that can become conventions in the sense of Young (1993). It is shown that even in relatively...
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We study linearly weighted versions of the least core and the (pre)nucleolus and investigatethe reduction possibilities … dual game. Our main results imply, for example, that if the core of the game is not empty, all dually inessential … core and the per-capita (pre)nucleolus from the dual game. This could lead to the design of polynomial time algorithms for …
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