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The paper considers the problem as to whether financial returns have a common volatility process in the framework of … stochastic volatility models that were suggested by Harvey et al. (1994). We propose a stochastic volatility version of the ARCH … test proposed by Engle and Susmel (1993), who investigated whether international equity markets have a common volatility …
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return and volatility spillover between the S&P 500 and 12 Asian stock markets using weekly data from January 2000 to … February 2020. DECO-GARCH models are employed to measure volatility transmission between markets. A generalized VAR, variance … the interdependence of the conditional returns, conditional volatility, and conditional correlations between the stock …
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The paper considers the problem of volatility co-movement, namely as to whether two financial returns have perfectly … correlated common volatility process, in the framework of multivariate stochastic volatility models and proposes a test which … checks the volatility co-movement. The proposed test is a stochastic volatility version of the co-movement test proposed by …
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. The volatility and co-volatility spillovers are examined via the news impact curves and the impulse response functions …The paper develops a novel realized matrix-exponential stochastic volatility model of multivariate returns and realized … from returns to volatility and co-volatility. …
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average of spillovers over a period, whilst volatility impulse responses (VIRF) have to be calibrated to conditional …This paper applies two measures to assess spillovers across markets: the Diebold Yilmaz (2012) Spillover Index and the … Hafner and Herwartz (2006) analysis of multivariate GARCH models using volatility impulse response analysis. We use two sets …
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To investigate how economies, financial markets or institutions can deal with stress, we nowadays often analyze the effects of shocks conditional on a recession or a bear market. MSVAR models are ideally suited for such analyses because they combine gradual movement with sudden switches. In this...
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Litecoin), this study examines the return and volatility spillover between these cryptocurrencies during the pre-COVID-19 … period and the COVID-19 period. We also estimate the optimal weights, hedge ratios, and hedging effectiveness during both … sample periods. We find that the return spillovers vary across the two periods for the Bitcoin-Ethereum, Bitcoin …
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We propose a new nonparametric test to identify mutually exciting jumps in high frequency data. We derive the asymptotic properties of the test statistics and show that the tests have good size and reasonable power in finite sample cases. Using our mutual excitation tests, we empirically...
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spillovers to the local stock exchange index and to the government bond secondary market prices. Moreover, a high correlation …
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