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We analyze investment decisions when information is costly, with and without delegation to an agent. We use a rational …-inattention model and compare it with a canonical signal-extraction model. We identify three "investment conditions". In "sour …" conditions, no information is acquired and no investment made. In "sweet" conditions, investment is made "blindly", i.e. without …
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current CEO who may have considerable power. Having signed a contract, the agent chooses how much effort to make to acquire … problem; how much information to acquire and what investment decision to make. As a consequence, the equilibrium contracts in … model E involve both bonuses and penalties. We identify lower and upper bounds on these, and study how the bonus and bonus …
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current CEO who may have considerable power. Having signed a contract, the agent chooses how much effort to make to acquire … problem; how much information to acquire and what investment decision to make. As a consequence, the equilibrium contracts in … model E involve both bonuses and penalties. We identify lower and upper bounds on these, and study how the bonus and bonus …
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We conduct a laboratory experiment with agents working on and principals benefitting from a real effort task in which the agents' performance can only be evaluated subjectively. Principals give subjective performance feedback to agents and agents have an opportunity to sanction principals. In...
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paper develops a theoretical model of contract design in the new blockchain environment, and shows that the optimal contract … is a relatively simple and dynamically adjusting splitting rule. Under this type of smart contract, external financing …
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In recent years the U.S. experienced an increase in the share of default events that are resolved out-of-court, as well as a reduction in bankruptcy-related costs. This trend raises the question as to what drives the frequency with which defaults turn into bankruptcies. We propose a theory based...
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A simple contracting environment with a creditor who has wealth and a entrepreneur who has a two-period investment … creditor prefers a contract that commits him not to refinance if and only if the extent of moral hazard problem is sufficiently …
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We study SPACs in a continuous-time delegated investment model. Our model is built upon three unique features of SPACs … control over investment approval. Due to the misalignment in incentives, the sponsor has an increasing incentive to propose … control over investment approval reduces everyone’s welfare. This adverse effect is more pronounced if entrepreneurs …
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Despite a vast theoretical literature that builds on costly information acquisition, there is no direct evidence on the importance of information costs in investors’ private information choices. Using a large sample of Chinese mutual fund managers’ visits to firm headquarters and exploiting...
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