Showing 1 - 10 of 167
We evaluate the performance of various methods for estimating factor returns in an approximate factor model. Differences across estimators are most pronounced when there is cross-sectional heteroskedasticity, or when cross-sectional sample sizes, n, are below 4,000 assets. Estimators...
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We refine the approximate factor model of asset returns by distinguishing between natural rate factors, whose sum of squared factor betas grow at the same rate as the number of assets, and semi-strong factors, whose sum of squared factor betas grow to infinity, but at a slower rate. We...
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This paper uses simulations to evaluate the performance of various methods for estimating factor returns in an approximate factor model when the cross-sectional sample (n) is large relative to the time-series sample (T). We study the performance of the estimators under a variety of alternative...
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We provide causal evidence for the value of asset pledgeability. Our empirical strategy is based on a unique feature of the Chinese corporate bond markets, where bonds with identical fundamentals are simultaneously traded on two segmented markets that feature different rules for repo...
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This paper investigates the associations between institution trust and public response to the COVID-19 outbreak. An Internet-based, cross-sectional survey was administered on January 29, 2020 to the epicenter Hubei province, China. A total of 4,393 adults who ≥18 years of age and residing or...
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China's four-trillion-yuan stimulus package fueled by bank loans in 2009 has led to the rapid growth of shadow banking activities in China after 2012. The local governments in China financed the stimulus plan mainly through bank loans in 2009, and resorted to non-bank debt financing after 2012...
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