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This article presents a new approach to analyze the equilibrium set of symmetric, differentiable games by separating multiple symmetric equilibria and asymmetric equilibria. This separation allows the investigation of, for example, how various parameter constellations affect the scope for...
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We show that Miller and Pazgal.s (2001) model of strategic delegation, in which managerial incentives are based upon relative performance, is affected by a non-existence problem which has impact on the price equilibrium. The undercutting incentives generating this result are indeed similar to...
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results. Third,we provide general comparative statics results. We apply our results to dynamic oligopoly models and to …
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This paper applies the framework of endogenous timing in games to mixed quantity duopoly, wherein a private domestic or foreign firm competes with a public, welfare maximizing firm. We show that simultaneous play never emerges as a subgame-perfect equilibrium of the extended game, in sharp...
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We study an economy with segmented financial markets and strategic arbitrageurs who link these markets. We show that the equilibrium of the arbitraged economy is asymptotically Walrasian in the sense that it converges to the equilibrium of an appropriately defined competitive economy with no...
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This paper presents a numerical method for the characterization of Markov-perfect equilibria of symmetric differential games exhibiting coexisting stable steady-states. The method relying on the calculation of 'local value functions' through collocation in overlapping parts of the state space,...
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We show that a unique active equilibrium exists in each linear bilateral oligopoly whenever it satisfies a certain …
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