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The dairy sector is among the most fundamentally affected by post-communist transition and EU integration of Bulgaria. This paper presents the dairy chain management in the country at current present stage of development. First, it analyses the state and forms of dairy value chain management...
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Due to trade liberalisation and ITC revolution, companies could imagine new and better ways of creating and delivering value. In search of higher efficiency, competitiveness and profits, they reorganise, choosing to focus on their core competencies and to globally outsource, or offshore non-core...
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Studying the outsourcing concept, as a strategy for efficient and effective business management, has been implemented … measuring entrepreneurial outsourcing construct utilizing empirical evidence in Iran's telecommunications and automotive … gathered data were analyzed using PLS-SEM method. According to our results, the proposed scale of entrepreneurial outsourcing …
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This paper examines the link between bank competition measures and risk indicators using quarterly interbank exposures data for all banks in Mexico during 2008Q1-2019Q1. The classical literature focuses on disentangling the link between competition and individual bank solvency risk. In this...
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The idea that market selection promotes survival and expansion of the “fittest” producersis a key principle underlying theories of competition. Yet, despite its intuitive appeal, thehypothesis that companies with superior productivity also exhibit higher growth lacks em-pirical support. One...
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Il lavoro intende approfondire il “Contratto di rete”, un’innovativa forma di aggregazione tra imprese, recentemente introdotta dal legislatore, attraverso i risultati di un’indagine qualitativa svolta su un campione di circa 300 imprese coinvolte in 159 contratti di rete. L’indagine...
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We formulate a Cournot-type market equilibrium model of simultaneous trading in the CDS and Loan CDS (LCDS) markets. We use novel formulations of two-market demand functions that include trading costs and margins. The equilibrium identifies a relation between premiums, elasticities and recovery...
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We formulate a Cournot-type market equilibrium model of simultaneous trading in the CDS and Loan CDS (LCDS) markets. We use novel formulations of two-market demand functions that include trading costs and margins. The equilibrium identifies a relation between premiums, elasticities and recovery...
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We revisit the debate on the role of technological improvement and market share reallocation in determining aggregate productivity gains. Contrary to previous work that neglects dependencies between suppliers in global value chains, we explicitly account for input linkages that impact both...
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