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We investigate the differential impact that pension systems have on the labor supply and the accumulation of physical and human capital for individuals that differ by their learning ability and levels of life expectancy. Our analysis is calibrated to the US economy using a general equilibrium...
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This paper uses a heterogeneous-agent overlapping-generations model to examine the fiscal and distributional consequences of introducing a means test in US Social Security. I find that a means test, that is, conditioning benefit payments on a household's earnings or assets, leads to a higher...
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-dependent mortality risk. This is because while a more progressive benefit-earnings rule provides increased insurance for households with … relatively unfavorable earnings histories, and therefore lower savings and survivorship, their relatively high mortality risk … nearly identical optimal benefit-earnings rules both with and without differential mortality. …
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show that the progressive labor tax can partially substitute for the redistribution in social security, thus reducing the …
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We study the interactions between capital income tax and social security privatization in the context of rising longevity. In an economy with idiosyncratic income shocks, redistributive defined benefit social security provides some insurance against income uncertainty. This insurance comes at...
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pension benefit rule that is adopted. If this rule incorporates some implicit or explicit redistribution from healthy to … unhealthy individuals then the latter types are better off as a result of the pension system. In the absence of redistribution …
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well-chosen cap has an additional advantage: it limits the unintended income redistribution from the short-lived to the … cap on the social welfare and the unintended income redistribution. …
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This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the generational wealth transfer within Sweden's public pay-as-you-go pension system introduced in 1960. Using extensive administrative registers, the paper quantifies the contributions made and benefits received by each birth cohort. The findings...
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The strong and increasing positive correlation between lifetime income and life expectancy (the longevity gap) has recently been widely studied. In this paper we employ the simplest, minimal model to demonstrate the impact of this long-neglected fact on the various types of public pension...
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subjective mortality beliefs on the value of delayed claiming and the optimal claiming ages of retired workers. Using the Health …; however, the average variance of age of death calculated from subjective mortality tables is 6.2%-14.4% lower than that from … mortality beliefs. As a result, we conclude that subjective mortality beliefs alone cannot explain the prevalence of early …
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