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Residential solar panels in the United States (U.S.) are inefficiently distributed in terms of optimizing solar-electrical production. Controlling for local solar electricity generation potential (insolation), the residential solar share of electrical consumption is relatively higher in cloudier...
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Policies promoting residential solar system adoption are designed assuming the associated generation displaces retail electricity purchases on a one-for-one basis. This assumption is not innocuous; electricity from residential solar systems is unlikely to be perfectly substitutable with grid...
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Throughout the 21st century, population aging in the United States will lead to increases in the number of elderly people requiring some form of living assistance which, as some argue, is to be seen as a burden on society, straining old-age insurance systems and requiring younger agents to...
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We construct and estimate a formal economic model of mental accounting where utility maximizing consumers facing rationality constraints infrequently update their desired expenditure budgets for different categories of consumption. We use latent Bayesian inference to estimate the model on a...
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In his 1999 summary of all things mental accounting (see Thaler [21]), Richard Thaler describes one of the primary components of mental accounting as the budgeting of specific utility-providing activities which can depend, but does not have to, on the resources used to fund those activities. The...
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We construct a unifying theory of two-stage budgeting and bounded rationality with mental accounting features. Mental accounting and rational inattention induce behavioral wedges between first-stage and second-stage expenditure budgets. Because reviewing one’s financial activities is...
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A recent literature has provided empirical evidence that markups are increasing and are heterogeneous across firms. In standard monopolistic competition models, such heterogeneity implies inefficiency even in the presence of free entry. We enrich the standard model of monopolistic competition...
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We construct a general equilibrium model with home production where consumers choose how to spend their off-market time using market consumption purchases. The time-intensities and productivities of different home production activities determine the degree to which variation in income and...
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