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long-run impact on the productive capacity of the economy through hysteresis effects. These demand shocks are found to be …
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A popular F test of Granger-causality relies on normally distributed errors of ordinary least squares (OLS) linear regressions. There is a long-standing need for a user-friendly algorithm replacing the OLS by kernel regressions, and the F test by a bootstrap. This paper introduces a version...
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A path forecast refers to the sequence of forecasts 1 to H periods into the future. A summary of the range of possible paths the predicted variable may follow for a given confidence level requires construction of simultaneous confidence regions that adjust for any covariance between the elements...
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In this paper, we identify demand shocks that can have a permanent effect on output through hysteresis effects. We call … employment and investment, although output per worker is largely unaffected. We find strong evidence that hysteresis transmits …
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Wir konstruieren ein neues Modell unbeobachteter Komponenten mit Markov-Switching zur Analyse von Hysterese … Konjunkturzyklus. Es zeigt sich, dass der jahrzehntelange Aufwärtstrend der Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland vollständig durch Hysterese … erklärt werden kann. Dagegen folgte die Arbeitslosigkeit in den USA keinem Hysterese-Muster, auch nicht während der großen …
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Assessing potential output and the output gap is essential for policy-making and fiscal surveillance. The European Commission proposes a production function methodology that involves the estimation of two classes of Gaussian state space models. This paper presents the R package RGAP which...
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We construct new estimates of potential output and the output gap using a multivariate approach that allows for an explicit role for measurement errors in the decomposition of real output. Because we include data on hours, output, employment, and the labor force, we are able to decompose our...
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long-run impact on the productive capacity of the economy through hysteresis effects. These demand shocks are found to be …
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In this paper, we identify demand shocks that can have a permanent effect on output through hysteresis effects. We call … employment and investment, although output per worker is largely unaffected. We find strong evidence that hysteresis transmits …
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We construct a new Markov-switching unobserved components framework for the analysis of hysteresis effects. Our model … in German unemployment is fully explained by hysteresis. The Great Recession was well absorbed because both hysteresis … not evolve according to hysteresis, not even during the Great Recession. …
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