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The majority of electronic markets worldwide employ limit order books, and the recently emerging exchanges for cryptocurrencies pose no exception. With this work, we empirically analyze whether commonly observed empirical properties from established limit order exchanges transfer to the...
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I assess the impact of increasing the tick size on stock liquidity and trading volume in illiquid stocks. Using a regression discontinuity design at the Oslo Stock Exchange, I find that increasing the tick size has no impact on the transaction costs, order book depths, or trading volumes of...
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We develop a model of an order-driven exchange competing for order flow with off-exchange trading mechanisms. Liquidity suppliers face a trade-off between benefits and costs of order exposure. If they display trading intentions, they attract additional trade demand. We show, in equilibrium,...
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We consider loans being marked to market to constitute new information that is only immediately available to large institutional traders, so-called qualified institutional buyers (QIBs). Smaller investors (non-QIBs) do not have instant access to such information. Investigating the effects of...
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We analyze how market fragmentation affects market quality of SME and other less actively traded stocks. Compared to large stocks, they are less likely to be traded on multiple venues and show, if at all, low levels of fragmentation. Concerning the impact of fragmentation on market quality, we...
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This paper develops a market microstructure model with asymmetric information in order to quantify the influence which practical decision rules have on asset process. The users of practical decision rules have incomplete information at their disposal and trade in a market with both fully...
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This paper studies a recent tick size reduction in the U.S. Treasury securities market and identifies its effects on the market's liquidity and price efficiency. Employing difference-indifference regressions, we find that the bid-ask spread narrows significantly after the change, even for large...
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