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This paper explores the relationship between policy settings and extreme positive and negative growth events, what we call GDP tail risks, using quantile regression methods. Conditioning on several country characteristics such as the size, stage of development and openness to trade as well as...
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-competitive product market regulations and lower corporate taxes are associated with higher growth, they do not seem to influence …
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contribute to short-termism among corporate managers, which can divert funds away from firm capital accumulation toward financial …
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The economics profession seems to increasingly endorse the existence of a strongly negative nonlinear effect of public debt on economic growth. Reinhart and Rogoff (2010) were the first to point out that a public debt-to-GDP ratio higher than 90% of GDP is associated with considerably lower...
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This paper puts the original Reinhart-Rogoff dataset, made public by Herndon et al. (2013), to a formal econometric test to pin down debt thresholds endogenously. We show that the nonlinear relation from debt to growth is not very robust. Taken with a pinch of salt, our results suggest, however,...
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Notwithstanding a very strong economic performance over the past decade or so, Poland’s per capita income is substantially lower in comparison with the United States and per capita income growth will be sharply slowing down over the coming decades under the scenario of gradual policy changes...
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This review evaluates the four major theories of corporate financing: (1) the Modigliani-Miller theory of capital ….Further progress in understanding corporate financing decisions will require a deeper understanding of agency issues when value …
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This essay surveys the body of research that asks how the efficiency of corporate investment is influenced by problems …
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importance to corporate finance and asset pricing. It is important to understand the degree to which investor taxes are impounded …
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