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This paper investigates the timing abilities of Australian managed fund managers. To examine timing abilities, the cross-sectional bootstrap approach is adopted to determine whether timing ability is due to skill or luck. Based on three alternative timing measures, we find that top-ranked...
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The constrained estimation in Cox’s model for the right-censored survival data is studied and the asymptotic properties of the constrained estimators are derived by using the Lagrangian method based on Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions. A novel minorization–maximization (MM) algorithm is...
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This paper presents a dynamic equilibrium model for the real estate market. Households have stochastic behavior and compete for quasi-unique locations (real estate goods), which are assigned to the best bidder through an auction-type mechanism. The producers are modeled as maximizers of their...
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This paper explores the dynamic equilibrium between minimum wages and inflation in Sri Lanka. From a theoretical perspective, while minimum wages tend to be sluggish in the economy, changes in price levels are compulsive. This empirical investigation which includes causality, co-integration and...
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<Para ID="Par1">The existence of complete Radner equilibria is established in an economy whose parameters are driven by a diffusion process. Our results complement those in the literature. In particular, we work under essentially minimal regularity conditions and treat the time-inhomogeneous case. Copyright...</para>
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The issue of whether public capital is productive has received a great deal of recent attention. Yet, empirical analyses of public capital productivity have been limited to a small sample of countries for which official capital stock estimates are available. Building on a new database that...
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Causal relations and dynamic interactions among equity returns in ten countries for the period 1983-1994 are analysed. An innovation accounting approach based on a multivariate vector autoregressive (VAR) model is used to estimate the proportion of each market return's forecast error...
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