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This Paper studies the theoretical micro-foundations of urban agglomeration economies. We distinguish three types of … characterization of some of the main theoretical underpinnings of urban agglomeration economies, to discuss modeling issues that arise … when working with these tools, and to compare different sources of agglomeration economies in terms of the aggregate urban …
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We develop a new methodology to estimate the elasticity of urban costs with respect to city population using French land price data. Our preferred estimate, which handles a number of estimation concerns, stands at 0.041. Our approach also yields a number of intermediate outputs of independent...
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two regions, the decrease of these costs fosters the gradual agglomeration of plants in the core region accommodating the …
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We provide an integrated treatment of the theoretical literature on urban land use inspired by the monocentric model, including extensions that deal with multiple endogenous business centres, various dimensions of heterogeneity, and durable housing. After presenting the theory and distilling its...
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important effects on the evolution of cities. In recent decades, cities with better amenities have grown faster. Agglomeration …
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important effects on the evolution of cities. In recent decades, cities with better amenities have grown faster. Agglomeration …
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While transport costs have fallen, the empirical evidence also points at rising total trade costs. In a model of industry location with endogenous transaction costs, we show how and under which conditions a decline in transport costs can lead to an increase in the total cost of trade.
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Firms are more productive on average in larger cities. Two explanations have been offered: agglomeration economies … selection model and a standard model of agglomeration. Stronger selection in larger cities left-truncates the productivity … distribution whereas stronger agglomeration right-shifts and dilates the distribution. We assess the relative importance of …
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We address the fundamental question arising in economic geography: why do economic activities agglomerate in a small number of places? The main reasons for the formation of economic clusters involving firms and/or households are analysed: (i) externalities under perfect competition; (ii)...
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Canonical analysis of the classical general equilibrium model demonstrates the existence of an open and dense subset of standard economies that possess fully-revealing rational expectations equilibria. This paper shows that the analogous result is not true in urban economies under appropriate...
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