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In case of speculative attacks, the central banks' decisions to intervene or not to intervene seem to play an important role for the economic costs of currency crises. The central bank can either abstain from intervening or start an intervention, which in turn can be successful or unsuccessful....
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Practitioners are generally well aware of the fact that most standard approaches for estimation and inference in panel data regressions are based on assuming that the cross-sectional units are independent of each other, an assumption that is surely mistaken in applications, especially in...
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Transport sector accounts for about 8% of total energy consumption in China and this share will likely increase in the visible future. Improving energy efficiency has been considered as a major way for reducing transport energy use, whereas its effectiveness might be affected by the rebound...
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We introduce a dynamic banking-macro model, which abstains from conventional mean-reversion assumptions and in which—similar to Brunnermeier and Sannikov (2010)—adverse asset-price movements and their impact on risk premia and credit spreads can induce instabilities in the banking sector. To...
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Standard banking theory suggests that there exists an optimal level of credit risk that yields maximum bank profit. We identify the optimal level of risk-weighted assets that maximizes banks’ returns in the full sample of US banks over the period 1996–2011. We find that this optimal level is...
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Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to develop a model to analyze the role of exchange rate appreciation expectation in trade invoicing from the perspective of importers, then empirically analyze it using Japanese export data. Design/methodology/approach–Constructing a theoretical model of...
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Empirical estimates of the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) intervention reaction function suggest that the central bank actively intervenes in the foreign exchange market to contain volatility but this intervention is neither continuous nor linear. It is better described by a nonlinear policy...
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We analyze the impact of conventional monetary policy measures such as interest rates, intervention, and other quantitative measures, on exchange rate level and volatility, and compare these to the impact of Central Bank communication using dummy variables in the best of a family of GARCH models...
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This paper investigates the equilibrium CNY/USD nominal exchange rate during 1976–2008. We extend for the first time the five-area FABEER model to a twelve-area TABEER model for China. All parameters are estimated with allowance for endogenous structural breaks. Our investigation of the...
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This paper develops a general equilibrium monetary model to study China–US trade relations. The model captures two main features of China–US trade: China's fixed exchange rate regime and the use of the US dollar as the international medium of exchange. The main conclusions of this paper are...
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