Showing 1 - 10 of 557
Abstract This rejoinder provides the editor's answer to Jacques-Olivier Charron's commentary to ‘Finance at Work’.  …
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Abstract Genericity analysis is widely used to show that desirable properties that fail in certain "knife-edge" economic situations nonetheless obtain in "typical" situations. For finite-dimensional spaces of parameters, the usual notion of genericity is full Lebesgue measure. For infinite...
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Fifteen years ago, I found it easy to be in favor of international capital mobility — the free flow of investment financing from one country to another. Then it was easy to preach for an end to all systems of controls on capital that hindered this flow. Now it is harder.
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-Württemberg from economic, political, and statistical perspectives. The verbal agreement of the finance model, made in 1999 between …
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Abstract Governments make substantial contributions to the finance of railways in Europe. This paper first considers …
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We consider a model that provides insight into the well-known Folk theorem in economics that when the discount factor beta is sufficiently close to 1, expropriation will never occur. Although this Folk theorem is true in our model, our perspective is different. The discount factor beta often is...
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Once an integral component of company-sponsored compensation schemes in many Western economies, private defined benefit (DB) pensions are in decline. For many, DB schemes (and their related healthcare liabilities, depending on the jurisdiction) have hobbled the financial wellbeing of plan...
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The theme of micro‐foundation of economic theory has not been adequately addressed. This is true even of those who pioneered the area of micro‐foundation of macro‐economics. The great missing link in economic theory, both of micro‐economics and macro‐economics, is the inability to...
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This paper identifies five types of insolvency in English football: clubs that have failed to cope with relegation; failed to pay monies due to the UK government; seen 'soft debts' become 'hard debts'; lost the ownership of their stadium; or have been 'repeat offenders'. As the second of a...
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The population in OECD countries is ageing rapidly, which will have significant macroeconomic impacts, including on public expenditure and tax revenues. This paper analyses the consequences of population ageing at the sub-central government (SCG) levels and introduces the ‘SCG fiscal...
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