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This paper warns against the use of Marshallian welfare loss in applied analysis of market power. We show how to compute the Hicksian deadweight loss from an ordinary demand. Then, from an experiment using real data on twenty-one sectors of the French food industry, we find that the Marshallian...
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[eng] Losses of Welfare and Market Power in the French Food Industry by Pascal Lavergne, Vincent Réquillart and Michel Simioni . We study the practical problems of estimating losses of welfare resulting from market power. Particular attention is paid to the specification of demand functions,...
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We propose two classes of consistent tests in parametric econometric models defined through multiple conditional moment restrictions. The first type of tests relies on nonparametric estimation, while the second relies on a functional of a marked empirical process. For both tests, a simulation...
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We consider a principal–agent model of environmental regulation with adverse selection, where firms are regulated through contracts. We show how the model allows to recover information on structural cost parameters. We use a semiparametric method to estimate consistently such parameters...
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The present paper addresses the selection-of-regressors issue into a general discrimination framework. We show how this framework is useful in unifying various procedures for selecting regressors and helpful in understanding the different strategies underlying these procedures. We review...
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We develop a novel approach to building checks of parametric regression models when many regressors are present, based on a class of sufficiently rich semiparametric alternatives, namely single-index models. We propose an omnibus test based on the kernel method that performs against a sequence...
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