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This paper presents a canonical dual approach for finding either an optimal or approximate solution to the maximum cut problem (MAX CUT). We show that, by introducing a linear perturbation term to the objective function, the maximum cut problem is perturbed to have a dual problem which is a...
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Resource loading appears in many variants in tactical (mid-term) capacity planning in multi-project environments. It develops a rough sketch of the resource usage and timing of the work packages of a portfolio of orders. The orders need to be executed within a time horizon organized into...
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Reviews some new trends in parallel machine scheduling (PMS). PMS, as an area of research, is governed by questions that arise in production planning, flexible manufacture systems, computer control, etc. The main characteristic of these problems is to optimize an objective, with jobs to be...
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This paper provides a canonical dual approach for minimizing a general quadratic function over a set of linear constraints. We first perturb the feasible domain by a quadratic constraint, and then solve a “restricted” canonical dual program of the perturbed problem at each iteration to...
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A quadratic optimization problem with one nonconvex quadratic constraint is studied using the canonical dual approach. Under the dual Slater's condition, we show that the canonical dual has a smooth concave objective function over a convex feasible domain, and this dual has a finite supremum...
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