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The common approach to evaluating a model in the structural VAR literature is to compare the impulse responses from structural VARs run on the data to the theoretical impulse responses from the model. The Sims-Cogley-Nason approach instead compares the structural VARs run on the data to...
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The notion of model-free implied volatility (MFIV), constituting the basis for the highly publicized VIX volatility index, can be hard to measure with accuracy due to the lack of precise prices for options with strikes in the tails of the return distribution. This is reflected in practice as the...
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A Self-Exciting Threshold AutoRegressive (SETAR) model is applied to the Italian stock market volatility, to obtain volatility forecasts and Value-at-Risk (VaR) estimates. There is almost nothing dealing with Italian markets in the literature of Threshold models, which have never been used for...
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In this paper we contrast a number of univariate models of Canadian GDP. Our preferred models are used to provide a business cycle chronology for Canada, which is compared with some existing, more judgmentally determined chronologies. We find that a simple, "two quarters of negative growth" rule...
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Models for the twelve-month-ahead US rate of inflation, measured by the chain weighted consumer expenditure deflator, are estimated for 1974-99 and subsequent pseudo out-of-sample forecasting performance is examined. Alternative forecasting approaches for different information sets are compared...
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We estimate a model with equilibrium unemployment explained by a search process on the labor market. We find that the matching function has increasing returns to scale and we show that this model may display fluctuations at business cycle frequencies even when there are no shocks to the...
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Inflation is a far from homogeneous phenomenon, a fact often neglected in modelling consumer price inflation. This study, the first of its kind for an emerging market country, investigates gains to inflation forecast accuracy by aggregating weighted forecasts of the sub-component price indices,...
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Many scholars recently highlighted the increase of individuals and families vulnerability in OECD countries. In Italy a clear sign of increase emerges observing the long-lasting worsening trends of subjective poverty and consumer confidence on personal condition indexes. Several factors can...
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We develop asset pricing models' implications for portfolio efficiency when there is conditioning information in the form of a set of lagged instruments. A model of expected returns identifies a portfolio that should be minimum variance efficient with respect to the conditioning information. Our...
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In this paper, we examine the main measures taken by Morocco within the framework of the reform of monetary and financial structures. Also, we treat the impact of these measures on the financial wealth structure of householders and companies. So, our aim is to encircle the new behaviour...
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