Showing 1 - 10 of 55
[fre] Relation de Phillips, boucle prix-salaire : une estimation par la méthode de Johansen par Eric Heyer, Hervé Le Bihan et Frédéric Lerais . Nous estimons, sur données trimestrielles françaises, une boucle prix-salaire en utilisant la méthode de Johansen, qui permet de prendre en...
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The economic situation of all the major developed countries has changed significantly during the 2007--10 period. Yet many economic policies have been kept in place. This is true in particular of a key measure in French government policy: tax reductions on overtime hours and their exemption from...
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[fre] La connaissance détaillée de l'évolution des degrés d'utilisation des équipements productifs est d'une grande importance pratique, entre autres, pour qui désire étudier les comportements d'investissement des entreprises ou encore interpréter les inflexions de la productivité...
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[eng] France growth anyway Forecast for 1998-1999 Division Economie Française Two opposite forces are working on the French economy. On one side, internal demand is highly dynamic. Strong employment boosts households consumption and private investment follows. Up to date data clearly confirms...
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[eng] Industrial hiccup. Forecast for 1999-2000 for the French economy Forecast for 1999-2000 for the French economy Division Economie fran aise Growth is expected to reach 2.6% and 3.2% in 1999 and 2000 respectively. By the end of 1998 and the beginning of 1999, the French industry has slowed...
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[eng] Microeconomic foundations of working time and reduction policies. Simon Cueva, Eric Heyer, Dominique Taddéi. For most economists decline in the real working time should increase employment. They are nonetheless divided on the most appropriate means leading to an effective reduction, and...
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[fre] L'OFCE a beaucoup utilisé le modèle MOSAÏQUE, durant les quinze années de son existence comme outil pour traiter des questions de politique économique et pour tenter de prévoir, plusieurs fois par année, le futur de Véconomie française. Cette représentation trimestrielle de...
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[eng] The State, as a shock absorber Forecast for the French economy in 2000 and 2001 Division Economie Francaise In 2000, the raise in oil price represented a levy on the GDP of around 0,5 %. Indirect taxes were lowered to alleviate the inflationary consequences. So the virtuous dynamics...
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