Showing 1 - 10 of 110
[eng] Industrial hiccup. Forecast for 1999-2000 for the French economy Forecast for 1999-2000 for the French economy Division Economie fran aise Growth is expected to reach 2.6% and 3.2% in 1999 and 2000 respectively. By the end of 1998 and the beginning of 1999, the French industry has slowed...
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[eng] The State, as a shock absorber Forecast for the French economy in 2000 and 2001 Division Economie Francaise In 2000, the raise in oil price represented a levy on the GDP of around 0,5 %. Indirect taxes were lowered to alleviate the inflationary consequences. So the virtuous dynamics...
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[eng] Net. growth Forecast for the French economy in 2000 and 2001 Division economie francaise The GDP growth is expected to reach 4,2 % and 3,8 % in 2000 and 2001 respectively. Private consumption growth will stay high, being sustained by ample job creations, by present and advertised tax...
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[eng] Some uncertainty Forecast for the world economy in 2000 and 2001 Division Economie Internationale World GDP is expected to decelerate from 4.8 percent in 2000, the fastest rate of growth since 1984, to 4.1 in 2001. The raise in oil priees and the tightening of monetary policies over the...
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[eng] All together ? Forecast for the world economy in 2000 and 2001 Division economie internationale Activity is expected to expand rapidly in many parts of the world economy (4,2 % in 2000 and 3,9 % in 2001), except in Japan where an excess of capacity still impediments growth. Asian emerging...
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[eng] France growth anyway Forecast for 1998-1999 Division Economie Française Two opposite forces are working on the French economy. On one side, internal demand is highly dynamic. Strong employment boosts households consumption and private investment follows. Up to date data clearly confirms...
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[eng] Strength makes union Département des diagnostics As the United States are witnessing a maturing expansion phase, Europe and Japan have not yet got out of the recession. With no inflationary pressures, the United States have some leeway to grow, allowed for by a still accomodating money...
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[eng] A cleared short term horizon Division modèle trimestriel Mosaïque Most Western economies experience sustained growth rates, but business conditions still widely differ. Optimism on the real economy gees with a large financial turmoil : exchange rates markets are upset by trade imbalances...
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[eng] Falling back on cash-flow Forecasts for 1993-1994 Département des diagnostics Industrial production has probably reached a trough in the OCDE zone during the first quarter or 1 993. Unfortunately for France, this does not mean that its international environment will become a driving...
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[eng] Turbulences' check-up Département des diagnostics Western economies began their recovery one year ago, but it is still difficult to foresee jobs and capacities creations on the near term. National situations exhibit quite varied imprints of indebtedness and disindebtedness waves brought...
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