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Attenuation relationships are commonly used for engineering studies to estimate the peak ground acceleration values. This paper presents the role of attenuation relationship in defining the seismic hazard in an area. It is seen that the seismic hazard in an area, which is calculated using...
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In the present work a new, deterministic, seismic zonation map for the territory of Armenia is presented. It has been compiled on the basis of the newest seismological, geological and geophisical data. Creation of the map included: determination of a seismic hazard area for the territory of...
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Strong seismic events once again confirm the view that great destructive earthquakes are produced by the reactivation of pre-existing faults although they have usually remained inactive for many, perhaps thousands of years. It is evident that such active seismogenic zones, with little or no...
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A procedure for estimating maximum values of seismic peak ground accelerationat the examined site and quantiles of its probabilistic distribution in a future timeinterval of a given length is considered. The input information for the method areseismic catalog and regression relation between peak...
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This study provides a procedure for assessing seismic hazardand uncertainties in regions that are characterised by a large non-instrumental earthquakedatabase and a seismic and tectonic behaviour which doesn't allow an evident seismic zonation.This procedure is a synthesis of the non-zoning or...
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A straightforward procedure of estimating maximum values of seismic peak ground acceleration and quantiles of its probabilistic distribution on a future time interval of 100 years is applied to territory of India. The input information for the method is seismic catalog and regression relation...
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This study presents a way to handle historical earthquakes whose parameters are based on sparse documentary materials. It is recommended that discrete earthquake scenarios should be constructed in such cases. Scenarios are possible sets of parameters for a past earthquake, reconstructed on the...
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Areas of low strain rate are typically characterized by low to moderate seismicity. The earthquake catalogs for these regions do not usually include large earthquakes because of their long recurrence periods. In cases where the recurrence period of large earthquakes is much longer than the...
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China has a long history of earthquake records. The Shanxi rift system (SRS) is situated along the axial zone of the domal uplift of the Shanxi Highlands and is the boundary between the Ordos block and the North China Plain block. Strong earthquakes in the SRS have been recorded since the...
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