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Matching and Difference in Difference (DID) are two widespread methods that use pre-treatment outcomes to correct for … values. I find that Matching generally underestimates the average causal effect of the program and gets closer to the true … still performs better than Matching, especially in the middle of the life-cycle. These results are consistent with estimates …
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due to mismeasured variables. We consider sample merger by matching on identifiers that may be imperfect in the case that …
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-in-differences estimation model combined with an iterative matching approach. The estimation results suggest that community schools are as …
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instrumental variables, difference-in-differences estimators, regression discontinuity design, matching methods, panel data methods …
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-- Experiments -- Matching -- Instrumental Variables -- Regression Discontinuity Design -- Panel Data and fixed effects -- Difference … packages for specific causal inference techniques like ggdag, Matching, rdrobust, dosearch etc. are used in the book. The book …, matching, panel data, difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity design, instrumental variables and meta …
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discussed: traditional regression methods, matching, control function methods, instrumental variable and local instrumental …
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The recent period of sustained high growth in the United States has drawn attention to its financial system and the efficiency with which it seems to be able to channel funds to new productive investment projects, particularly in hi-tech industries. This study examines the role played by the...
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We propose a new inverse probability weighting (IPW) estimator for moment condition models with missing data. Our estimator is easy to implement and compares favorably with existing IPW estimators, including augmented inverse probability weighting (AIPW) estimators, in terms of efficiency,...
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uncover the effectiveness at which workers are matched to available jobs. A Spatially augmented matching function is backed by … assuming the process of job matching to be homogenous across space. This study shows that this supposition is not valid for the … matching process. Spatial heterogeneity is additionally found on the level of German macroregions. Though matching efficiency …
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This paper presents an inference approach for dependent data in time series, spatial, and panel data applications. The method involves constructing t and Wald statistics using a cluster covariance matrix estimator (CCE). We use an approximation that takes the number of clusters/groups as fixed...
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