Showing 1 - 10 of 39
[fre] Degré de flexibilité des marchés du travail, ajustement à des chocs asymétriques et union monétaire européenne . par Hélène Erkel-Rousse . Selon Mundell (1961), l'ajustement de régions en union monétaire ne pose pas de problème majeur si les chocs qu'elles subissent sont...
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[eng] Owing to conceptual differences between trade data sources and to statistical problems relating in particular to the Intrastat system for declaring intra-EC trade flows, the level and performance of the euro-zone trade balance are known only with a margin of uncertainty. The first two...
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[eng] The primary aim of this paper is to quantify the respective roles of quality and price competitiveness in the trade performance of twelve OECD countries in the first half of the 1990s. The method used combines analysis of unit values of trade, market shares and relative sizes of the...
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[eng] A New Empirical Evaluation of the Costs of European Monetary Union by Hélène Erkel-Rousse and Jacques Mélitz . This paper presents an evaluation of the costs of European Monetary Union (EMU) using the structural VAR approach. This approach is based on a model identifying structural...
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[spa] Las vías de la recuperación en el Este de Alemania - Prever las consecuencias económicas a mediano plazo de la unificación alemana es un ejercicio difïcil. En este articulo se privilegia una causa determinante del retraso en el Este de Alemania : la insuficiencia del capital...
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[ger] Konjunkturlage in den einzelnen Branchen und kurzfristige Prognose der Wirtschaftstätigkeit: Nutzen der Konjunkturerhebung im Dienstleistungssektor . . Lange Zeit erstellten die Konjunkturforscher wegen der starken Dominanz der industriellen Statistiken und der Knappheit der Daten über...
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[spa] El entorno de Francia, a nivel internacíonal, en el horizonte del año 2000 - Muchas incertidumbres colocan en el conditional toda prevision relativa a la descripción del entorno de Francia a nivel internacional para el año 2000. El primer elemento esta dado por la apertura de los...
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[eng] Regional Alignment and EMU . Sustained economic growth encourages a catch up effect. The least-advanced European countries made considerable progress during the 1960s. Conversely, certain regional disparities increased between the first oil crisis and the mid-1980s. Today, the sluggishness...
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