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We propose a model that can capture the typical features of multivariate extreme events observed in financial time series, namely, clustering behaviors in magnitudes and arrival times of multivariate extreme events, and time-varying dependence. The model is developed within the framework of the...
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This paper investigates asymmetric increasing trends in dependence in major international equity markets. To this end, we develop a multiple-regime smooth-transition copula GARCH model and address several important questions, including the number of regimes and the existence of increasing...
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This paper develops a dependence-switching copula model to examine dependence and tail dependence for four different market statuses, namely, rising-stocks/appreciating-currency, falling-stocks/depreciating-currency, rising-stocks/depreciating-currency, and falling-stocks/appreciating-currency....
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This study investigates the dynamic linkages between oil prices and stock markets, also known as the oil price–stock price nexus. Within the framework of a VAR (vector autoregression) we examine dynamic interactions between daily Brent spot prices and several Lebanese stock prices. As...
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Using an innovative GMGARCH-MSKST model that allows for asymmetric generalized dynamic conditional correlation, this paper analyzes return and volatility interactions among spot, non-deliverable forward (NDF) and deliverable forward (DF) exchange rate markets for Korea and Taiwan. With the...
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We introduce a flexible copula-based semi-parametric test of financial contagion that is capable of capturing structural shifts in the transmission channel of shocks across a network of financial markets beyond the increase in the intensity of time-varying dependence. We illustrate the...
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This paper investigates the dependence structure between the real Canadian stock returns and the real USD/CAD exchange rate returns, using the Symmetrized Joe-Clayton (SJC) copula function. We estimate the SJC copula with monthly data over the period 1995:1 to 2006:12. Our results show...
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This paper extends the canonical model of epidemiology, SIRD model, to allow for time varying parameters for real-time measurement of the stance of the COVID-19 pandemic. Time variation in model parameters is captured using the generalized autoregressive score modelling structure designed for...
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The common approach to evaluating a model in the structural VAR literature is to compare the impulse responses from structural VARs run on the data to the theoretical impulse responses from the model. The Sims-Cogley-Nason approach instead compares the structural VARs run on the data to...
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The estimation of dynamic factor models for large sets of variables has attracted considerable attention recently, due to the increased availability of large datasets. In this paper we propose a new parametric methodology for estimating factors from large datasets based on state space models and...
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