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This paper examines the validity of real interest parity (RIP) for 10 Asian economies over the period 1977–2012 (quarterly frequency). The evidence based on two-break unit root tests reveals that majority of the real interest rate differentials (RIDs) with respect to Germany and the US are...
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Empirical evidence suggests that asset returns correlate more strongly in bear markets than conventional correlation estimates imply. We propose a method for determining complete tail-correlation matrices based on Value-at-Risk (VaR) estimates. We demonstrate how to obtain more efficient...
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We investigate the performances of the finite element method in solving the Black–Scholes option pricing model. Such an analysis highlights that, if the finite element method is carried out properly, then the solutions obtained are superconvergent at the boundaries of the finite elements. In...
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The impact of fees on mutual fund performance has received little research attention as is also the cases of performance differences of two classes of funds, one the common mutual funds and the other mutual funds with strict compliance with filters based on a number of binding restrictions as in...
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We introduce artificial intelligence pricing theory (AIPT). In contrast with the APT's foundational assumption of a low dimensional factor structure in returns, the AIPT conjectures that returns are driven by a large number of factors. We first verify this conjecture empirically and show that...
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Three concepts: stochastic discount factors, multi-beta pricing and mean-variance efficiency, are at the core of modern empirical asset pricing. This chapter reviews these paradigms and the relations among them, concentrating on conditional asset-pricing models where lagged variables serve as...
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We develop a new class of tree-based models (P-Tree) for analyzing (unbalanced) panel data utilizing global (instead of local) split criteria that incorporate economic guidance to guard against overfitting while preserving interpretability. We grow a P-Tree top-down to split the cross section of...
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Obstfeld and Rogoff (2000) have reinvigorated an old literature on the link between home bias in the goods market and home bias in the asset market by arguing that trade costs in the goods market can account for the observed portfolio home bias. The key link between home bias in the two markets...
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We develop a model where wealthy investors have an incentive to become controlling shareholders because they can earn additional benefits by expropriating outside shareholders. As a consequence, in countries where minority investor rights are poorly protected, both domestic and foreign portfolio...
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Using a data-set that provides unprecedented details on individual investors’ stockholdings, we analyse whether investors take into account corporate governance when they select stocks. After controlling for the supply effect via free float and other firm characteristics, we find that all...
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